NRAI’s 35 th Annual General Meeting is being held in Mumbai this year as per the following schedule:
Date: September 30, 2017 (Saturday)
Time: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM (Followed by Networking Cocktails)
Venue: India Nightlife Convention & Awards (INCA), Hotel Four Seasons, 1/136, Dr. E. Moses Road, Upper Worli, Mumbai – 400018.
1. Address by Mr. Riyaaz Amlani, President, NRAI.
2. To receive, consider and pass with or without modifications, the audited Balance Sheet as on March 31, 2017 with Income and Expenditure Account together with the Auditor’s report thereon.
3. To consider and pass the Annual Budget for the year 2017–18.
4. To appoint Statutory Auditors for the year 2017-18.
5. Appointment for Accounting, Tax Advisory and Concurrent Audit for the Year 2017-18.
6. To elect the Managing Committee for period 2017-19.
7. Any other matter with permission of the chair.
8. Vote of Thanks.
Note: For attending the NRAI AGM 2017, members who have not renewed membership for the year 2017–18 are requested to do so immediately.
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For sponsorship queries, please call: +91 9582200025 or write to
For availing discount on stay (Sept 29 – Oct 2, 2017) as NRAI member at
Hotel Four Seasons, please share your details here .