As per the data of the excise department, the total number of HCR (hotel,club, restaurant) category premises till May 6 was 964, including 162 hotels,698 restaurants, and 48 clubs, besides banquet and party halls, besides motels and farm houses licensed to serve Indian and Foreign liquor.
NEW DELHI: The number of hotels,clubs,restaurants and other on-site liquor serving premises in the city has increased by 10% after the new excise policy came into effect last year.
As per the data of the excise department, the total number of HCR (hotel, club, restaurant) category premises till May 6 was 964, including 162 hotels, 698 restaurants, and 48 clubs, besides banquet and party halls, besides motels and farm houses licensed to serve Indian and Foreign liquor.
The new excise policy of the Delhi government was implemented in November last year with the opening of privately-owned liquor vends across the city.
The number of bars, including those in hotels, independent restaurants, clubs and motels among others such on-site liquor service facilities was 884 as per a survey commissioned by National Restaurants Association of India (NRAI) on people’s drinking habit.
Last year, the excise department had invited applications from hotels, clubs, motels, bars and restaurants for serving liquor on their premises as per the new excise policy.
The licence categories for ‘on-site consumption’ included service of Indian and Foreign liquor in a hotel, motel, guest house to residents in their rooms (L15), bar/restaurant attached to a hotel (L16), independent restaurant (L17), independent restaurant located either in thee arrival or departure area of international airport (L19).
Other licence categories are service of Indian and Foreign liquor in a bar/dining car in a luxury train (L20), round-the-clock service/sale of liquor in a bar attached to a hotel located either in the arrival or departure area of international airport (L21), club exclusively for serving or retired officers of government and armed forces (L29).
According to terms and conditions for the on-site consumption licences, the licence holder requires to purchase liquor from retail vends and may store liquor anywhere on the premises.