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Now that Taste Ceases to be Colour Blind…


Food and drink must not just taste good but look social-media ready, too

Now that molecular gastronomy has ensured that many people realise there is nothing predictable even about the most mundane food, the advent of a blue wine from Spain may cause less amazement than, say, a couple of decades ago. Of course, studies have consistently shown that certain colours do not lend themselves to whetting appetites, blue being among them. But after the advent of spherification, liquid nitrogen and such marvels, there are no such preconceived notions.

Indeed, the colour debate was probably settled five centuries ago when the inhabitants of Curacao executed the very first molecular gastronomy ‘miracle’ by distilling a liquor from the Laraha fruit peel that looked blue but tasted orange. Perhaps the enduring popularity of Curacao is what inspired these winemakers to go blue as well.  Or it could be that marketers of all products—wine included — are increasingly aware that in the Age of Social Media, appearances count as much as, if not more, than any other factor.

And there’s no denying that blue wines not only stand out but also complement sea and sand perfectly in holiday selfies or Instagram compositions. Even for staycationers, a glass of the best blue — paradoxically, a mix of red and white grapes with a dash of indigo for that cerulean hue would pair nicely with binge-watching TV.

Source: Economic Times