Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) , which has been pushing various initiatives for safe and nutritious food, is looking to make changes in the licensing conditions for restaurants.
So far, food business operators were mandatorily required to display the FSSAI licence number at food premises, especially in restaurants. The Authority felt that the number is not visible to the consumers.
Food safety display boards
To change consumer perceptibility about it, FSSAI has been pushing the idea of Food Safety Display Boards at various food businesses especially restaurants , retail stores, milk booths, vegetable and fruit retail, meat shops, street food vendors, among others.
Food Safety Display Boards will primarily display food safety and hygiene practices to be followed by these food businesses at their premises prominently, according to the FSSAI website. The Authority has now released a draft notification proposing revision of conditions of licences which proposes to replace the existing requirement of displaying FSSAI licence number with Food Safety Display Board. The FSSAI believes that these display boards will not only make registration/licence number visible but will also inform the customer and the food handler about the important food safety and hygiene practices required to keep food safe. It also believes these display boards will help in enabling a more effective consumer feedback.
Raw materials purchase
In addition, it has proposed that restaurants should at least have one technical person or food safety supervisor trained by FSSAI, in their staff, as one of the conditions that need to be fulfilled for FSSAI licence. It has sought feedback from various stakeholders on these proposed changes. The Authority has been holding various sessions to train food business operators.
Other new conditions being proposed for restaurants include buying food raw materials only from licensed or registered vendors and maintaining a record of these purchases. Besides, it has proposed that restaurant and other food sales should indicate or mark exclusive desi ghee items and vanaspati, oil or other fats used in preparation of items.