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100+ Delhi bars support ‘Don’t Drink & Drive Day’ on August 6


On August 6, bars, restaurants, pubs & cab companies will offer a range of special services including cocktails & designated drivers.

To address the rising problems of drunk driving and prevent it on roads, on the occasion of National Don’t Drink and Drive Day on August 6, over 100 bars and pubs in Delhi will join Community Against Drunken Driving (CADD).

Some of the participating outlets include Buzz, Light House, Joy Luck Moon besides others.

As a part of initiative, the restaurants, bars, pubs, cabs services providers will take measures including providing complimentary non-alcoholic beverages to customers, assisting an intoxicated guest with a cab/driver, schemes and discounts for the day for customers who come in with designated drivers or otherwise and offers for the day for customers who hire cab/driver services during that day.

“It is important to observe a special day to remind the masses to practice responsibility and choose not to drink and drive as drunk driving is 100% preventable if we as a community practice to drive sober. We have been observing this day since August 6, 2005,” said Prince Singhal, activist, CADD.


According to Singhal, “An accident occurs every one minute and a death every 3.7 minutes while 2,000 lives lost annually in terrorist acts is a national issue.” In the last decade, over one million people have been killed in road accidents and over five million have been seriously injured or permanently disabled in India.

70% of these deaths are caused due to drunk driving which is a premeditated crime and the driver does and should have knowledge that their act can cause death.

Source: The Statesman

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