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As the voice of the Indian restaurant industry, we represent the interests of 500000+ restaurants & an industry valued @ USD 4 billion. Whether a chain or independent restaurant, the NRAI is here to help every step of the way. Join us!


Renewal Fee & Payment Options

  1. Renewal fee will be based on the current strength of outlets being operated by the member.
  2. This number will include all outlets being operated under various brand names – both owned as well as franchised outlets.
  3. Payment can be made through our Online Payment Gateway / NEFT / At Par Cheque / Demand Draft.
  4. For payment through NEFT, kindly make the payment before filling the form as it requires Reference ID before submission.
  5. For payment through At Par Cheque / Demand Draft, kindly scan the same before filling the form as it requires scanned copy along with the Cheque / DD no. before submission.
  6. Please note details for paying through NEFT / At Par Cheque / Demand Draft.
    Name of the Account Holder: National Restaurant Association of India
    Bank Name: State Bank Of India
    A/c No.: 38039516521
    IFSC Code: SBIN0004316
    MICR Code: 110002237
    Account Type: Current Account
    Location: A-15, GF Hauz Khas, Main Market New Delhi - 110016
  7. View Kiosk / Express Outlet / Food Truck Membership Renewal Fee Chart.

No. of Outlets Subscription Fee (INR) Total (INR) GST @ (18% INR) Grand Total (INR)
1 5000 5000 900 5900
2-4 10200 10200 1836 12036
5-10 19800 19800 3564 23364
11-20 30350 30350 5463 35813
21-35 44000 44000 7920 51920
36-60 60000 60000 10800 70800
61-100 77700 77700 13986 91686
101-200 121000 121000 21780 142780
201-350 216000 216000 38880 254880
351-500 298000 298000 53640 351640
501 & above 374000 374000 67320 441320

1. Membership Details:

2. Renewal Fee:

3. Upload Applicable Licenses / NOCs / Permissions

(Kindly upload scanned copies of the Licenses / NOCs / Permissions for all / relevant outlets for each category in one PDF file)

Yes   No

4. Choose Payment Mode


Payment made already? Please let us know:


Cheque / Demand Draft

Cheque / Demand Draft to be sent to

National Restaurant Association of India
4th floor, Phase-II, PHD House, 4/2 Siri Institutional Area,
August Kranti Marg, New Delhi - 110016

We want to be enrolled under NRAI Kiosk/Express Outlet/Food Truck Membership of the National Restaurant Association of India. We agree to the terms and conditions and abide by the Memorandum and Articles of Association, to pay the subscription fees for the time being in force and to implement, as far as practicable, the policy of the Association.

Terms and Conditions:

  1. As per the Association policy, total number of outlets are being registered for renewal of membership with the NRAI.
  2. Company renewing membership of the NRAI to have all the required licenses / NOCs / permissions especially related to FSSAI and Fire from the concerned authorities to operate the restaurant.
  3. All required licenses are current. In case, any of the licenses / NOCs / permissions lapse, your membership with NRAI is liable to be cancelled without any refund.
  4. This renewal of membership will be valid for one year.
  5. Membership renewal fee is to be paid annually. Intimation for renewal is sent to members through letter and emails before the expiry date.
  6. Government taxes as applicable.
  7. Membership renewal fee rates are subject to change without prior notice.
  8. NRAI Member data will not be shared with anyone