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As the voice of the Indian restaurant industry, we represent the interests of 500000+ restaurants & an industry valued @ USD 4 billion. Whether a chain or independent restaurant, the NRAI is here to help every step of the way. Join us!


Let’s Start Sharing At The Table



One of the bigger sectors that has been hit hard due to the lockdown is the restaurant industry, which is why the National Restaurants Association of India (NRAI) is asking customers to lend a helping hand. It’s started an initiative called Rise4Restaurants to give employees and members some succour, and NRAI president Anurag Katriar told us, “The idea is simple. See, we are struggling to pay salaries because there is no income and we don’t know when this will end.

So we are telling our guests to buy a Rs 1,000 voucher for Rs 750, out of which you pay Rs 250 right now and the rest later on. Why Rs 250? Because 25 per cent of our sales is towards manpower and this money will go towards helping them out.” Log on to r4r.nrai.org for more details.

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