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Record-holding chef visits Pune’s heritage guest house


Guinness World Record-holding celebrity chef Vishnu Manohar visited the city’s heritage Poona Guest House today evening. Located at Ganapati Chowk on Laxmi Road, The occasion called for a ‘talk show’ evening with chef Vishnu. The event was open to all.

Interviewing chef Vishnu Manohar was a star panel that including the Chitales, the iconic sweet-makers of Pune, Shriram Bhave of the Wadeshwar chain of restaurants, hospitality guru G S Bindra, and Kishor Sarpotdar of Poona Guest House.


Chef Vishnu was recently in the news for setting a new Guinness world record by rustling up dozens of recipes in a 53-hour cooking marathon. He is known for popularising Indian cuisine in India and abroad through his television shows and restaurants. He is also an expert on Maharashtrian food, with its many regional variants.

For attendees, there was an added treat. The interview panel tired not to reveal chef Manohar’s culinary treasure trove, but revealed his passion for poetry and knowledge of Urdu verse.
 Source:  Times of India

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